Spinal Decompression & Herniated Discs
Our Chiropractic office near Nolensville is available for Spinal Decompression & Herniated Discs.
Whether you simply love to play a particular sport or you compete in that endeavor on a serious level, a herniated disc can banish you to the bench for quite some time. This form of damage to the cartilaginous discs that cushion the spinal vertebrae can cause serious pain as well as many other disabling neurological problems. Fortunately, you can get back in the game with the aid of chiropractic spinal decompression therapy at Nolensville Chiropractic.
The discs that separate your vertebrae and protect them against everyday stress consists of two layers -- an inner gelatinous layer called the nucleus, and a disc-shaped outer fibrous "container" called the annulus. When a small area of the annulus sustains damage or grows weak, it may bulge out of the spinal column until it ruptures, allowing some of the nucleus to escape. This problem, a herniated disc, can pinche surrounding nerve tissue, producing pain, weakness, tingling, and other problems in the arms or legs.
While anyone can get a herniated disc due to spinal misalignment, obesity, or acute injury, athletes may be especially prone to them. Football players, for instance, may lead with their heads, making them vulnerable to herniated cervical discs. Other athletes who place their lower backs under severe stress may develop herniated lumbar discs.
Spinal decompression therapy offers a non-surgical method for shifting herniated discs back into position, removing nerve pressure, and relieving symptoms. Dr. Cullen uses an advanced, automated traction machine that gently stretches your spine. As this treatment pulls vertebrae away from each other, it creates a vacuum in the intervertebral space. This vacuum pulls the herniated disc back into its usual spot.
Spinal decompression requires no special preparation on your part. Once Dr. Cullen straps you into the machine, all you have to do is relax while the session proceeds. The treatment causes no pain and requires no downtime afterward. You may need repeated spinal decompression treatment sessions to get the full benefits from this form of care. Dr. Cullen may also recommend other helpful measures such as manual spinal adjustment, physical therapy, or lifestyle changes that promote weight loss.
Here at Nolensville Chiropractic, 0ur chiropractic team can help you return to your favorite sport. Contact us (615) 776-2424 to learn more about chiropractic spinal decompression.
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
2:30 pm - 6:00 pm
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
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2:30 pm - 6:00 pm
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2:30 pm - 6:00 pm
8:30 am - 12:30 pm